

NKCL Bio Group won the Grand Prize at the Minister of SMEs and Startups Award for its contribution to the development of the Korean bio industry

2022.11.30 16:00 조회 711


NKCL Bio Group Inc. announced on November 25 that it had won the Grand Prize in the ‘Innovation Sector’ award from the Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business.


The Ministry of SMEs and Startups said, “NKCL Bio Group was highly evaluated for its contribution to the development of the Korean bio industry, such as enhancing national competitiveness through innovative management activities.


NKCL Bio Group, which won the Minister of SMEs and Startups Award this year, is a bio company that researches and develops NK cell treatment, a next-generation anti-cancer treatment using Natural Killer Cell (NK Cell), which is in charge of the most important immune system in our body.


NK cell, a natural killer cell that recognizes and attacks abnormal cells such as cancer cells, as the

Keyword, it improved national competitiveness and raised the growth potential of the Korean economy.


In addition, by providing a 'personalized immune care platform', it is advancing from the global immuno-anticancer drug market worth 100 billion dollars to the anti-aging and beauty market through differentiated technological competitiveness such as "targeted therapy, NK cell automated culture system, etc." The GMP automatic culture system incorporating artificial intelligence finds a culture environment optimized for NK cell culture by itself, reduces dependence on existing high-quality manpower, and improves production efficiency by more than 100 times.


NKCL Biogroup has developed further, from the stage of maximizing cell yield by simply culturing  immune cells as in the existing treatment method, in consideration of the diversity, immunosuppression, and tumor mutations in the recent cancer expression situation. Officials revealed that they are reaching the technology that can control the appropriate cell activity customed to each patient.


In addition, efforts are being made to establish a more systematic treatment system in the future through the self-programmed individual immune screening system.


In addition, △various business expansion through continuous MOU △establishment of overseas corporations (Vietnam, China) and business promotion △contribution to job creation through continuous sales growth △contributing to the vitalization of venture businesses through various activities and boasting a high level of social contribution.


In response, Chairman Shin Dong-hwa said, “The proportion of NK cell therapy, a next-generation biopharmaceutical, in the global pharmaceutical and bio market is gradually increasing. With the completion of the preclinical trials of RK-NKTM cell therapy product, it has been proven that it can be a treatment that can effectively control cancer cells," he said. "As a bio company, we apply blockchain technology to the bio industry, not just bio technology. We will present the data more credibly,” he added.


Meanwhile, this award is hosted and sponsored by TV Chosun, Ministry of Science and ICT, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Employment and Labor, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Ministry of SMEs and Startups, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, and Shared Growth Committee. As a result of the NKCL Bio Group's focus on innovative management, it has borne fruit of winning the Minister of SMEs and Startups Award.